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YOUnique™ Wall Decals

$9.99 /pk of 1
Customize & Buy
  • remove & reapply

  • won't curl

  • won't fade

YOUnique™ Wall Decals are a huge hit with students and campers alike! Kids will have so much fun personalizing their space whether it's their locker or camp bunk. You can even let them go to town with these Wall Decals at home because our beautiful decals can be safely removed and applied again and again.

This set comes on a 17" x 9" sheet with one large personalized decal (usually about 8" wide depending on the design you select) and many decorative decals.

You can apply these decals to any interior door

  • Largest decal approx. 8" (20cm) wide (depending on design)
  • high quality, full-color printing
  • polyester textile material with gentle adhesive backing
  • non-glossy finish
  • won’t curl or fall off
  • removable without causing damage
  • reusable

Before you start…

  • Plan out exactly where you want to position the decals before you start. For exact positioning, hold the sheet up and mark the wall with a pencil.
  • Your hands and the surface to which you will be applying your decals should be clean and dry.
  • Wait at least 2 weeks before applying decals to a freshly painted wall (or check the paint manufacturer’s recommendations).
  • Try the practice decal (included) to become a pro!
Applying decals:
  1. Place the decals facing up on a flat, hard surface. Firmly rub the decals with your fingers or the edge of a credit card to bond the transfer tape to the decals.
  2. Flip the sheet over so the decals are facing down. Slowly peel the backing paper off. The decals will stick to transfer tape.
  3. Apply the transfer tape to the door and smooth the decals down with your fingers or the edge of a credit card.
  4. Peel away the transfer tape by starting in one corner and pulling the transfer tape down at a sharp angle (180°). The decals will remain stuck to the door.
  5. Gently smooth the decals down with your finger to remove any air bubbles and to ensure all the edges are firmly stuck.
Instructions for removing decals:
  • Remove the decal by peeling it off very slowly at a sharp angle (180°).

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